In 1999, eight women in Grand Haven started playing golf on Tuesdays. They soon formed the Grand Haven Women’s Golf Association (GHWGA), drafted by-laws and elected their first President, Irene McKenna Klingenberg. One of the original members, Beth Branick, is still active in the GHWGA.  Over the years the association grew to its present membership of about 90 women.  

The mission of the GHWGA is to promote participation and improvement in the game of golf and provide an environment for friendly competition, familiarizing members with the rules, etiquette and good sportsmanship of golf as defined by the United States Golf Association (USGA). 

GHGC conducted its first Club Championship in 2000. The winner of the Women’s Division was Sharon Downes who went on to win the event 4 more times. 

When 9/11 shocked the world in 2001, the WGA organized a golf tournament with all proceeds going to the local Children’s Home Society.  An annual Charity tournament continues to this day and raises thousands of dollars for a selected local charity.

WGA conducts 18-hole tournaments every Tuesday morning throughout the year.  In the summer months a 9-hole option is offered for those who want to beat the heat.  The events vary by Individual and Team, with various fun and competitive formats.

 In Memorium

Bev Berman | Cora Corum | Zita Corum | Kathy Feldman | Barbara Greenhalgh | Marilyn Gingles

Coralee Halley | Cathy Lindstrom| Claire Long | Judy Macko | Dorothy McInnis | Lorna Potter

Laura Lee Robinson | Sheila Seeley | Marianne Thress | Brigid Tobin | Trixie Truitt | Sally Wales

Elaine Worsfold

 Past Presidents

Sara Lockhart — 2020-2021 | Suzette Sweeny — 2018-2020 | Sheila Tebbano — 2016-2018 |
Kenny O’Connor — 2014-2016 | Nan Stillman — 2012-2014 | Sandy Pearson — 2010-2012 |
Kaye Boyer Ryan — 2008-2010 | Marcia Goldsmith — 2007-2008 | Shirley Tobin — 2005-2007 | Marion Hessert — 2003-2004 | Fran Chiodo — 2002-2003 | Bev Berman — 2001-2002 |
Irene Klingenberg — 1998-2001

 Past Club Champions

2021 — Joan Callahan | 2020 — Laurie Chatey | 2019 — Joan Callahan | 2018 — Joan Callahan |
2017 — Joan Callahan | 2016 — Laurie Chatey | 2015 — Joan Callahan | 2014 — Joan Callahan |
2013 — Joan Callahan | 2012 — Joan Callahan | 2011 — Joan Callahan | 2010 — Joan Callahan |
2009 — Jin Gadsden | 2008 — Barb Greenhalgh | 2007 — Barb Greenhalgh |
2006 — Barb Greenhalgh | 2005 — Sharon Downes | 2004 — Sally Wales | 2003 — Sharon Downes | 2002 — Sharon Downes | 2001 — Sharon Downes | 2000 — Sharon Downes