Amended and restated; approved September 14, 2021


This Association shall be known as the Grand Haven Women's Golf Association (GHWGA)


·stimulate and promote interest, participation, and individual improvement in the game of golf;

· provide an environment for friendly competition, including interclub matches;

· familiarize members with the rules, etiquette, and good sportsmanship of the game of golf as defined by the United States Golf Association (USGA).


Section 1. Membership in the GHWGA shall be open to women who are golf members of the Grand Haven Golf Club.

Section 2. Privileges: All members of the GHWGA shall have the privilege of participation in  tournaments and events held by the GHWGA; vote on items that require a vote by the membership; and are capable of serving on any committee when qualified.

Section 3. Conditions:

(a) Applicants for membership shall attain such status by voluntarily accepting the by-laws of the GHWGA; subscribing to the objectives of the GHWGA; paying dues in the amount and  timeframe prescribed by the Executive Board of the GHWGA; participating in the designated game during league play; and accepting and applying all decisions of the Executive Board, acting within its jurisdiction.

(b) New members wishing to join the GHWGA must submit to the GHWGA Membership Chairman the completed GHWGA application form along with payment of dues in the amount and manner prescribed by the Executive Board;

(c) Members must have an established GHIN handicap index and are limited to a maximum of 36 strokes for all GHWGA events.

(d) A member must play a minimum of eight Tuesdays during the active playing season (September opening day to May closing day) to qualify for awards (Ringers, Birdies, Hole-in-One, Eagles, Most Improved, etc.) budgeted for that fiscal year.

(e) Members must post all scores, whether playing at Grand Haven or away.


Section 1. The officers of the GHWGA shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers are elected by the general membership at the end of each season (typically the closing luncheon) for a one year term of office.

Section 2. The term of office shall be for one year, commencing on June 1st.  Officers shall not hold the same office more than 2 consecutive terms. This term limit can be waived by a vote of the general membership.

Section 3. The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the GHWGA, the past President as Ex-Officio, and the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees, who are appointed by the President at the beginning of her term.

Section 4. The Executive Board shall fill any vacancy in the office of Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer occurring between the time of the annual elections.

Section 5. The Executive Board shall meet prior to general membership meetings or whenever deemed necessary.


Section 1: Duties of Officers:

President: The President shall be Chairman of the GHWGA Executive Board. She shall appoint Committee Chairmen and be Ex-Officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. She presides at all Executive Board meetings and general meetings of the membership. She is authorized to sign checks for the GHWGA in the absence of the Treasurer.

Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President in the execution of her office. She shall assume the duties of the President in the event of her absence or inability to act. Traditionally the Vice President takes over as President after serving one year as the Vice President.

Secretary: The Secretary shall take minutes of and keep the records from all meetings of the Executive Board, the opening and closing luncheons, send out all notices to the general membership, and have charge of all correspondence of the GHWGA.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall prepare the annual budget, keep an accurate account of all funds received by her, deposit such funds in the name of Grand Haven Women's Golf Association, and make all disbursements by check. She shall present a written report of the finances of the GHWGA at each Executive Board meeting.  She shall be responsible to ensure that the paid dues agree with the Membership Chairman's record of paid members.

Section 2. Duties of Standing Committees:

The duty of each Standing Committee of the GHWGA shall be to formulate and execute plans for the current year with the approval of the Executive Board and to assist the President in carrying out her duties.

(a). Membership Chairman: It shall be the duty of the Membership Chairman to receive applications for GHWGA membership and verify with the Grand Haven Golf Club eligibility of the applicant. She shall coordinate with the Treasurer to ensure records agree. She shall welcome the new member and provide said new member with information about the GHWGA.

(b). Weekly Tournament Chairman: It shall be the duty of the Weekly Tournament Chairman to provide play formats for the calendar year to the pro shop representative who has charge of GHWGA play. She shall also assign members to Stableford teams based upon member handicaps. 

(c). Web Administrator: It shall be the duty of the Web Administrator to maintain the GHWGA website. She shall maintain the passwords for the Board members authorized to post to the web and assign new passwords after election or appointment of new officers or committee chairs.

(d). Charity Events Chairman: It shall be the duty of the Charity Events Chairman to  coordinate the GHWGA’s charitable efforts, including the annual charity tournament.

(e). Handicap Chairman: It shall be the duty of the Handicap Chairman to audit scorecards and monitor member posting to the GHIN system and represent the GHWGA on the Grand Haven Golf Club Handicap Committee.

(f). Social/Hostess: It shall be the duty of the Social/Hostess Chairman to coordinate with the Food and Beverage manager for food, beverage, and decorations for all GHWGA functions.

(g). Rules Chairman: It shall be the duty of the Rules Chairman to understand USGA Rules of Golf, post local rules, settle any dispute pertaining to rules of golf, and promote knowledge of and adherence to the Rules of Golf among the membership.

(h). Ringer/Birdie Chairman: It shall be the duty of the Ringer/Birdie Chairman to keep a record of birdies and ringers during the active playing season (September through May) and award prizes to the winners at the end of the season (typically the closing luncheon).

(i). Historian: It shall be the duty of the Historian to take photographs at GHWGA events and post said photographs to the GHWGA website.

(j). Sunshine Chairman: It shall be the duty of the Sunshine Chairman to send gifts or cards to members, be it by mail or electronically, remembering special occasions, and to those members who are ill or having surgery, lost a loved one, or facing a long term illness.

(k). Team Captain(s): It shall be the duty of the Team Captain(s) to organize the teams for inter-club play according to the guidelines set forth by the Executive Board and posted to the Grand Haven Women's Golf Association website.


Section 1. The President shall appoint a Chairman of the Nominating Committee no later than two months prior to the Annual Election Meeting, held in May at the closing luncheon.

Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall nominate a slate of at least one candidate each for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The report of the committee shall be posted at least two weeks prior to the closing luncheon on the GHWGA bulletin board and GHWGA website. Additional nominations may be made from the floor with the consent of the person or persons so nominated.


Section 1. The annual election of officers shall be held at the closing luncheon. Terms of office shall be from June 1st through May 31st of each year.

Section 2. All balloting shall be according to Robert's Rules of Order Revised.


Section 1. General memberships or special meetings shall be conducted at the call of the President and/or a majority of the Executive Board. A quorum for the transaction of business shall be one quarter of the membership present.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet as designated by the President, Vice President, or Secretary. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive Board.

Section 3. Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the procedure of all meetings.

Section 4. Only the membership may vote to dispense with a general meeting. All changes of scheduled events must be approved by the board at a called meeting.

Section 5. Polling of members will not preclude a vote of the general membership on any given question.


Section 1. Membership dues shall be paid in the amount, time and manner prescribed by the Executive Board. Dues for the following year shall be paid no later than June 30th. For new members joining after January 1st , the dues will be prorated based on the remaining months of the season.

Section 2. Expenditures over $100, that are not covered by the approved budget, must be approved by the President. All monies shall be used for prizes, awards, and other approved expenses with the exception of working capital (minimum of $50) for the newly elected Executive Board of the GHWGA.

Section 3. All monies of the GHWGA shall be deposited in its name and shall be strictly accounted for and controlled by the Treasurer. The GHWGA shall not be held liable for any claims of any nature incurred by a member or group of members unless specifically authorized in advance by the Executive Committee. Claims not so authorized shall be the sole responsibility of the members so involved.

Section 4. Every two years an auditor shall be appointed by the President and shall audit the Treasurer's books and report her findings to the President.


Section 1. The President, at her option, may appoint a parliamentarian for the conduct of business. She shall resolve the propriety of the procedure of motions.

Section 2. Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the procedure of all meetings.


The By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a meeting (general or special). Members will be notified of the proposed amendment which will be posted on the GHWGA bulletin board and on the GHWGA website for a period of not less than two weeks in advance of said meeting. 


By-Laws Changes:

Approved September 14, 2021