Birdies and Ringers


Contact:  Ann Ducasse and Virginia Nowakowski

Post your birdie scores only from your Tuesday GHWGA events by indicating Birdies on your ringer sheet with a circle.  Mark birdies on your ringers sheets every time you score a birdie, eagle, or hole-in-one, regardless of whether you have already had a birdie on that same hole.  Awards will be given for each birdie scored.  

NOTE: You must play at least 8 Tuesdays to qualify for end of season prizes.


The Ringer is an ongoing record of your best gross score for EACH hole for the September to May season. Post your scores only from Tuesday GHWGA events. This includes Four Ball matches, Member-Guest practice rounds, Seagals and WPC events. In the event a round is canceled due to adverse weather conditions after the start of play, any ringers or birdies posted for those holes played before the cancellation WILL be accepted and recorded. Ringers and birdies will not be recorded for any tournament that is played from only one tee as everyone is not playing from their designated tee. An example is the Red Tee Tournament.  Submit your ringer scores each Tuesday on the provided Ringer sheets and put them in the Ringer box located in the golf shop near the computer. Make sure the player’s name is filled out and the form is signed, attested and legible. Circle which Tees (Red, Live Oak or Green) you played. You must post ALL scores from the same tees (Red, Live Oak or Green) during the season. Switching from one tee to another midseason, requires that you start Ringers over. Printable ringer sheets are available on our website ( There are also copies in the Ringer box. Awards will be given for the lowest ringer score, gross and net, in each flight.

 Birdies and Ringers Blank Sheet

Birdies and Ringers Results